The Farm


Our farm produces a limited output of organic extra virgin olive oil.
Our aim is to obtain an exclusive product of the highest quality with excellent organoleptic characteristics.

Don Gaspano farm is located on the right side of the Rio Bagnara river, on the sloping hills towards the north-eastern coast of Sicily, cherish by the Tirreno sea. Our farm aims to continue the tradition of an exclusive product that is mainly intended for refines palates.

The location


Located in the district of Messina, the small village of Pace del Mela is particularly suited for the cultivation of olive trees.

The hot, dry summers and the concentrated yet abundant rainfalls during Spring and Autumn create an ideal microclimate for the production of olive oil.



The Don Gaspano farm sits in a small area of land (five hectares only) that is entirely destined to the production of our high quality organic extra virgin olive oil.

Thanks to the ideal geographic location, the exposure to the south and weather conditions, our farm is the perfect spot for the production of an excellent organic EVO oil, produced in a PDO area  (Protected Designation of Origin) Valdemone.

Taste and characteristics


The Cultivars of the Don Gaspano farm (“Ogliarola messinese”, “Nocellara” and “Biancolilla”) are all exclusively autochthonous.

The precociously harvested drupes and the cold pressing process, give rise to a deep-green oil distinguished by a suggestions of spiciness and an allusion of fruitiness. Our EVO oil is the outcome of a long history of agricultural traditions and a true passion for the make of an excellent product that meets the taste of the most demanding palates.

Olio Don Gaspano


Don Gaspano’s organic extra virgin olive oil is an high-end product obtained from the best Sicilan Cultivar and a traditional cold pressing process.

Thanks to its balanced and soft organoleptic profile (especially if used raw), the oil lends itself beautifully to the preparation of light dishes, typical of the Sicilian and Mediterranean cuisine.

The hint of almond that denotes our oil, makes it ideal for intensifying the piquancy of any dish without overwhelming it. It is particularly suited to delicate flavours such as white meats, boiled crustaceans, roasted fish and fish soups, risottos and for dressing salads.

A one of a kind olive oil, tempered by a mellow fruitiness (ripe) yet contemporaneously bitter and spicy, with hints of almond. Taking all its aromatic components as a whole, the oil is sweet and balanced.

Azienda Agricola Don Gaspano di Carlo Aragona
98057 Milazzo (ME)
Via XX Settembre,5 Sicilia – Italia
Phone: +39 335 625 5011


Enjoying our EVO oil is easier than you might think!

Please make contact through our website and we will be happy to organize a shipment anywhere in the world. Just fill in the form below to enquire – we will get back to you immediately!


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